Product Insight is a product development consultant. As consultants, our strength lies in our ability to take on projects at any stage of the process. We can work through highly ambiguous problems, produce exceptional data, and build plans to support manufacturing.
The process of product development is a spectrum. Everything from a seed of an idea or a business problem that needs a solution to a fully formed concept to be refined for contract manufacturing. Product Insight has the luxury of the versatility of engagement, being equipped to handle development at any stage, or we are experts at finding the support we need.
What sets us apart is our ability to be detached from the end result of our client’s solutions. That means we can have an unbiased approach to solving highly ambiguous problems and acquiring data on the validity of the solution we proposed. Our process is to solve the problem, hitting all benchmarks set by our clients, and striving to achieve a better result than we were asked to provide.

Anthony Catacchio
Anthony’s management philosophy is rooted in the idea that our product is our people and our culture is our work. He is an engineer by trade, but prefers to keep his focus on the human-centered side of things. Anthony’s role at Product Insight leverages the skills he has built over the last decade in the industry and he works to attract the best people who are ready to create the best work of their lives. The scope of the projects PI is hired to take on often require the entire life cycle of a product, starting with the initial proposal, research, and planning, as well as development of prototypes through to manufacturing. He has lived the entire process, taking special consideration of the design conscious mentality that he acquired throughout his career and is so important to the life cycle of projects here at Product Insight. He speaks the language of researchers, designers, and engineers, enabling him to push the unification of these disciplines at every stage of development.
Prior to Product Insight, Anthony worked in medical device engineering, then spent 5 years managing a team at Farm Design.