GEM Family



Medical, Diagnostic

The GEM family of invitro diagnostic instruments enables clinicians to quickly and accurately measure blood gases, pH, electrolytes, metabolites, CO-Oximetry and more from whole blood samples. This Integrated and comprehensive product line helps clinicians achieve better patient outcomes, lower total cost of care, assure regulatory compliance and enhance operational efficiency in hospital Acute Care settings. 

Although the GEM 3500, 4000, and 5000 diagnostic instruments were developed separately over the course of many years, they are all current products that serve different user needs and test types. PI was able to create a unique look for each model while maintaining a cohesive family look across platforms, enabling Werfen to differentiate their offerings with a consistent brand message.

Diagnostic Werfen GEM

What’s New

Designing for Sustainability: Medical Waste 

Designing for Sustainability: Medical Waste 

Product Insight Webinar Series

Product Insight Webinar Series

Newsletter Q423

Newsletter Q423